Effective January 2025, all ATMs in the US will be required to have encrypted keypad PCI TR-31 along with compatible software loaded on the machine.
This update will be sure to cause disruptions throughout the country if ATM owners and operators do not take the necessary steps to get compliant ahead of time. In fact, the demand for compliant keypads is expected to outweigh the supply. If you wait to complete this upgrade, you are almost guaranteed to have problems with availability.
We recommend taking action NOW! While ATM(s) will not be shut off on January 1, 2025 as previously reported, any compromises or monetary losses related to not having the proper PIN pad and software loaded will be your meeting PCI compliance will be your responsibility does not have the upgraded keypad system installed with the necessary software by January 2025, your ATM will be automatically disabled. This will be a death sentence for many ATMs across the country that are too old to handle the encrypted keypad update and the software.
If you have an older ATM, we can still offer you some options. Please call us at (919) 469-5856 or 1-(877) 260-2931 let’s discuss!
It’s also possible that your current ATM can be upgraded to become compliant with this new standard.
For quick reference, we have supplied keypad compatibility charts below for Genmega, Hantle, Hyosung, Tranax, and Triton.
Hyosung / Genmega / Triton retail ATMs have been updated to support a more secure method of transferring encryption keys from the host processor to the ATM as required by PCI (Payment Card Industry). The new standard TR-31 (“key blocks”) will be mandated by PCI for the transfer of keys to ATMs starting January 1, 2025.
Q: Are all ATMs required to support this mandate?
A: All ATMs are mandated to support the TR-31 key block standard. Hyosung / Genmega / Triton have released compliant Encrypted PIN Pads (EPPs or keypads) over the past few years to meet this requirement. New ATMs purchased from Hyosung / Genmega / Triton beginning in the middle of 2021 came with the required keypad (EPP) hardware, though you will need to ensure the correct software is running on your ATM(s).
Q: Which retail ATMs can be upgraded to support TR-31?
A: Most Hyosung / Genmega / Triton ATM models running WinCE operating system can be upgraded and support the TR-31 required EPP (keypad) hardware and software. Hyosung / Genmega / Triton ATMs running older non-WinCE operating systems cannot support the TR-31 required upgrades. Reference the links on this page for manufacturer-specific documents available on upgradable vs. non-upgradable ATMs. Not sure if your ATM is upgradable? Call us at (919) 469-5856 or 1-(877) 260-2931.
Q: Will my ATM actually go offline?
A: Not right away, but the answer is ‘Yes" eventually. If your ATM, keypad (EPP) and software has not be upgraded to support the TR-31 key block requirements, then your host processor will eventually stop accepting transactions from those non-compliant ATMs.
Q: What does my ATM upgrade require?
A: To achieve PCI TR-31 compliance, your ATMs - which have the WinCE operating system - will need the correct keypad (EPP) and TR-31 software upgrades.
Still have questions? Give us a call at (919) 469-5856 or 1-(877) 260-2931 or shoot our Technical Support Team an email
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